
Needless to say, we’re huge fans. I first came across your work two years ago, and your content since has been the perfect blend of motivation and hard reality-checks that I’ve needed every step of the way. I know this is the same for millions like me.

Which is why I’m so stoked to formally invite you to join us in building **TallyPost** and making it the best content creation toolkit in the world.

I know you’ve had partnerships with Taplio before, and are considering working on something similar with Arib. But all I ask of you is to give us one shot — one 15-minute call to show you why.

For some context, I’m in Dallas coming out of selling my last AI consumer startup and a role heading growth at another consumer AI startup ($700K ARR). I love product, and I get creator marketing. Below is a quick synopsis on why we’re building TallyPost:

Market Analysis - Taplio today is at $6.5M ARR (closing in on $9.5M with TweetHunter) in no more than two years. Even so, its closest competitors are nowhere near — tools like Supergrow and Dottypost are both around $150K ARR each. On a product level, Taplio is best suited for solopreneurs, business owners that use LinkedIn for demand-gen, and the rare ambitious professional looking to grow his/her personal brand. To that extent, more horizontal social media scheduling tools like Publer & AuthoredUp will never be a good fit, and Taplio’s closest competitors miss core features like AI content planning and the engage tab everyone adores.

This leaves an enormous opportunity to build something specialized for LinkedIn & Twitter the way Taplio did, but better (posts generated that are truly personalized to the user’s voice, genuine insights on trends picking up, and a smoother writing experience with AI that gives you feedback on your content).

Long Term Vision - I strongly believe, as I’m sure you do, that we’re in the earliest innings of this race. Taplio is genuinely a good product, but I think we can make something better & more intuitive, and introduce it to far more people in the coming years. Therefore, I’m not looking for average, steady growth here — our unironic no-bullshit goal is to scale this to market-leader status over the next two years. With your help & deep expertise in content, we can do it sooner.

This means starting with LinkedIn but also expanding to Twitter within the same platform. It means helping content creators using TallyPost identify trends before the masses, and helping them generate beautiful content and media that exactly fits their persona and style of creation.

TallyPost is in its very early stages, but we’re damn-good developers and we’re going to build the best product in the market here. There is just no one we’d be even close to as excited to build it with than you.

Writing with love.

Avi CEO, TallyPost